Part 2: The Sad Truth About Plantar Fasciitis Treatments
Meet Susan:
Susan is 56, she is one of my clients.
Unfortunately, in the past two years, Susan has been suffering from plantar fasciitis.
She, like many, struggles with the agonizing foot pain that comes with this issue.
The pain usually attacks her after some period of time on her foot. Sometimes after one mile or an hour, sometimes less.
But her hardest battles are in the mornings…
She wakes up with excruciating pain, making her limb and hobble to the bathroom.
But Susan is an ambitious person. She doesn’t just sit and wait for a miracle to show up in her life.
From the first day she’s been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, she set her mind to get rid of this issue.
She started by looking online for information.
Susan is the type of person that searches and lurks online for solutions, and she’s pretty good at it.
Usually it works, but in this case, it was different.
She was swamped with information about different plantar fasciitis solutions and methods.
But there was no coherent thread, nothing telling her which of the dozens of possibilities actually worked and which didn’t.
She ended up trying a variety of recommendations:
She spent a bunch of time and money testing every method and solution she could find out there:
She performed daily stretches and exercises. Purchased orthotic shoe inserts and added some other home remedies like icing and massaging to her daily routine.
But except for a slight relief during, and a bit after the time she used these remedies, the pain didn’t seem to go anywhere.
She kept doing the exercises in the morning:
Stretching her calves, plantar fascia, toes, extension, and curls. Flexing her ankles, and do towel curls. It helped her to survive the mornings and get out of bed.
After consulting with her physician, he suggested her to take cortisone injections or consider surgery.
But after reading some horror stories about their side-effects she decided it wasn’t worth the risk.
Recently she feels that this issue is taking over her entire life. And the longer this goes on the more she threatened that surgery will be inevitable…
Susan, or Sue, as her friends call her, love to walk and go hiking – it makes her happy to move.
Activities like long walking with her husband help her to stay in shape and relax.
Now, because of her plantar fasciitis, it’s hard for her to walk and the pain makes her tired.
She feels miserable and frustrated. She doesn’t want to go anywhere or do anything. She also hates wearing shoes.
She’s having a hard time dealing with stress, and the fact that it’s harder for her to fit into her clothes makes her even more frustrated.
The pain makes her feel really old – yes, she’s an older adult, but she has a young spirit. She feels young in her mind.
Here biggest fear is that she won’t be able to walk normally again and won’t have the freedom to do the things she wants to do.
“It’s embarrassing that woman at my age is forced to bad” she’s saying.
Susan is absolutely not ready to be “old”!
Susan works as an elementary school secretary. Her condition doesn’t really affect her work – she still does her job although the pain.
When people are asking her why she’s limping, she just tells them that she hurt her foot.
But although her pain doesn’t affect her work, it’s harming the interactions with her co-workers and her family:
She has less patience – she’s very angry and full of frustration because the pain stops her from living her life to the fullest.
Sometimes it’s so frustrating she just wants to cry.
Her friends and family feel bad for her and try to help. And she tries not to complain or make a fuss.
She loves to hang out with her friends, but sometimes the pain is so bad that she has to stop and rest.
This stops also the people she hang with and this makes her feel bad about herself…
Sometimes she feels like a burden for the people around her.
Susan just wants to walk normally again, pain-free, to have the freedom to do whatever she wants.
(Sometimes she’s just missing her dress shoes)
She still has a tiny slight of faith that it’s possible to find a solution for this condition.
There has to be something.
She just can’t accept the fact that she will have to live with this.
Susan simply wants to feel young again.
Now that was the story of Susan.
It’s not her real name BTW. I’ll keep it private (client privacy).
Although it’s only a story of one person I’m sure you can resonate with it.
My team and I have advised more than 100,000 people regards their plantar fasciitis and we are getting hundreds of similar stories every day.
The same narrative plays out again and again:
The person has tried every solution out there…
…did everything by the book, just to find out that nothing works.
Not for the long-term at least.
And if it did work for more than a week, most of the times the plantar fasciitis would return… worse.
It’s bad.
But for me, it’s no wonder.
I’ve been preaching what physicians often miss when treating plantar fasciitis (not all of them):
That there is a deeper barrier that prevents our body from responding positively to the given treatments.
And consequently prevents our body from healing.
The given treatments are actually fine, per se.
Stretching, icing, supportive shoes, rest, orthotics, etc… all is great.
(I’m not a big fan of surgery, injections or NSAIDs.)
But without removing this barrier first, these treatments are useless and sometimes will cause you worse.
I’m not saying this because I think that I am better than any doctor. No.
I just was lucky enough to be exposed to this knowledge…
…to research it deeply, and to witness the incredible improvement in the lives of the people who used it. Including mine.
I sketched the problem so you’d get a better understanding:
Now let’s explore what is this barrier and how we can remove it.
(Hint: It starts with your brain)